Résumé de Adolfo Fernandez-Zoïla : Exposé des motivations - centenaire de la publication du roman de Zola Travail (1901-2001) - appel aux imaginaires romanesques - essai sur les formes artistiques de la littérature. Ce panorama des fictions littéraires sollicite des extraits de textes de plusieurs auteurs dont : Ronsard, La Bruyère, La Fontainre, Voltaire, Rousseau, Balzac J. et E. de Goncourt, Céline, Giono et d'auteurs contemorains : Bleys, Tertiaux, Wenzel. Souci de mettre en évidence les relations liées à la présence à soi : apport du roman à la psychologie (I. meyerson). Summary : Motivations associated to the centenary of the publication of Zola's novel Work (1901-2001) but also to nevelistic imaginaries and the role of literature's artistic forms. An overview of diverse fragments from classic French literature follows (Ronsard, La Bruyère, La Fontaine, Voltaire, Rousseau, Balzac, J. et E. de Goncourt, Céline, Giono) and from more recent authors such as Bleys, Tertiaux, Wenzel, according to the importance conceded to each work. An attempt is made to illustrate the possible relations between the novelistic imaginary, labor and man's presence with himself by means of the interactions between psychology and the novel (I. Meyerson). |